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Combat, weapons, armor & damage

​General Introduction to Combat

Combat is a frequent occurrence. Hand-to-hand combat makes use of LARP safe weapons and gun combat uses specially painted (but standard) Nerf guns. All blows with LARP safe weapons should be pulled. Physical contact such as pushing, or barging is not allowed. Head hits are not allowed and are to be ignored if they happen by accident. Anyone who repeatedly lands head hits may be asked to sit out of combat. When you get hit by a weapon you take damage and you should also react to blows by grunting and wincing or staggering back a step.  Damage will normally be a single point of damage unless your opponent makes a special damage call. You will need to listen out for special damage calls. If you don't hear one then you have taken a single point of damage.

Damage Types & Calls

Damage from a successful hit is normally 1 point. However there are a number of special damage calls that you might hear.


Through – This damage automatically goes through armor (unless you have special resistant armor) and does it little or no damage therefore it does not reduce its armor value.


Strike-Down – This is a hit that also knocks the opponent off their feet onto the ground.


Double - This is a heavy blow that does 2 points of damage - double will/should only be called on the first hit to remind an opponent to take 2 points of damage.


Critical – This is a mighty blow or pin-point accurate shot that does 3 points of damage.


Lethal - This almost certainly fatal blow immediately puts you on -1 regardless of any armour you may have - you armour is also reduced to 0. If a lethal blow is stopped by a shield then the shield is literally obliterated (and is irreparable) and you are stunned/knocked to the ground for a count of 10.


Keep in mind these damage calls and their effects can be combined by attacks from certain powerful weapons, characters and monsters. You may occasionally hear calls such as "double through" or "critical strike-down". If this is the case you must take all of the combined effects of these combo damage calls.

Special Calls

On occasion monsters may make special calls. These are the common ones you may hear.


Mass - Everyone within 10 meters of the caller should take the next effect that is called e.g. "mass sleep"


Fear - Turn and run, do not return to that encounter for at least a slow count of 30.


Paralysis - You are temporarily paralyzed for a slow count of 30.


Sleep - You will fall gently to the ground in a very deep sleep. You will not wake until physically woken up and even then it should take you a considerable time to get your bearings.


Entangle - If you are standing in or beside plant growth this will shoot out and wrap itself around your legs. It will take you a slow count of 10 to hack your way out.


Knock-down - If you are standing the ground will shake and throw you off your feet and knock you to the ground.

Weapons & Damages


Proficiency: Single point of damage

Weapon Mastery: Single point of through damage on a back-stab

Single Handed Melee

Proficiency: Single point of damage

Weapon Mastery: Critical hit 3 x per day


Proficiency: Single point of damage

Weapon Mastery: Critical hit 3 x per day

Two Handed Melee*

Proficiency: Two points of damage for a big dramatic swing, one point for a normal blow

Weapon Mastery: Critical strike-down 3 x per day

* You must have Strength to wield or master a Two Handed Weapon


Proficiency: Single point of through damage

Weapon Mastery: Critical hit 3 x per day

Pistol or Rifle

Proficiency: Two points of through damage

Weapon Mastery: Critical hit 3 x per day



Standard armour (made of leather, metal or high density plastic) absorbs damage from weapon blows. The protection provided by armor is not location specific but global i.e. body wide. Therefore anyone wearing basic armour can take 1 normal hit (1 point of weapon damage) anywhere without taking any physical damage. A character must have approximately 50%-75% of their body (e.g. head, chest & abdomen or head, arms & legs) covered with the appropriate armor type for it to count.

Armour is judged by its "phys rep" quality more than its base material. Therefore high quality leather armour ("superior") will provide better protection than low quality metal armour ("common"). There are four categories of armour, each with their own armor protection:

Common – Piecemeal leather, metal and fabric armour – low quality with 50%+ coverage - 1 point of armour

Superior - Good quality leather, metal or reinforced fabric armour – with 50%+ coverage - 2 points of armour​


Master Crafted - A set of finely crafted  - with 75%+ coverage – 3 points of armour


Epic - A set of extremely fine quality armour - with 75%+ coverage - 4 points of armour


Legendary - A unique set of superb armour - with 75%+ coverage - 5 points of armour

Armour cannot be stacked.

Armour (and shields when necessary) can be repaired by anyone who has the appropriate skill. It takes 1 minute of tinkering per point to repair armour. Repairing a broken shield will take 5 minutes of in-game time. A shield can only be repaired 3 times in-game before it is useless.

Damage & Wounds

After armour and toughness points have been used up there are two states a character can be in when it comes to wounds:​


“I'm wounded, I need help” 0 hit points - the last location hit will be causing significant pain and will be bleeding profusely; this will significantly affect your ability to fight effectively or run any distance. You need your wound attended to as soon as possible or it will get worse.

“I'm on my last legs, I'm bleeding out” -1 hit points - you are bleeding from the last location hit and you are in tremendous pain but you can still walk (stumble) but cannot fight or run. You need medical attention immediately as you are bleeding out.

Once a character reaches -1 hit points no further damage is counted. However if a character is hit while "on their last legs" they must fall to the ground but should keep moaning or crying out. From the moment a character is on -1 hit points they must immediately start a slow count of 120 - this is a death count and if treatment does not begin before this count is up then the character has bled out and is dead.

The terms provided in red can be used by characters to convey their (or others players’) physical state without the need to say “I am on -1 hit points”. This style of roleplay will always be rewarded. 

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