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How to create a character

Character Points (CPs) are used to create and advance a character's skills during the campaign. Once you have played you will receive Experience Points which you can (if you wish) convert to Character Points to gain new skills. Experience Points can also be used for other purposes which the Refs will inform you of.

When initially creating a character each player gets 10 CPs. These can be spent on the following:


1) Toughness - extra hit points.
2) Character Profession (this is optional but can only be chosen when at character generation).

3) Weapons Skills (but only basic Proficiency to start with).

4) General Skills (open to everyone).


Any of the initial 10 Character Points that are unused are converted back to Experience Points for the player to reuse for their character at a later date. Please note that once Experience Points have been converted to Character Points and have been assigned to skills they cannot be reassigned.


A character levels up every time they add an additional 10 CP i.e.


  • Level 1 Character = 10 to 19 CP

  • Level 2 Character = 20 to 29 CP

  • Level 3 Character = 30 to 39 CP

  • Level 4 Character = 40+ CP


Levelling up is important as it increases the effectiveness of a character's racial special abilities (see the separate document on racial special abilities).


Alongside choosing skills a player must choose a race for their character. Different races have different special abilities. You should consider your race's special abilities alongside choosing your skills, so as to maximize the effectiveness of your character.



Each toughness level (up to a maximum of 3) gives you an extra hit point. These points are used up before normal damage and bleeding conditions kick in. They reflect a characters physical and mental training to resist damage and trauma.


  • Toughness 1 = 4 CP

  • Toughness 2 = 6 CP (Toughness 1 + an additional 6 CP)

  • Toughness 3 = 8 CP (Toughness 2 + an additional 8 CP)

Character Professions

All character professions cost 6 CP. There are a wide variety of character professions available which give access to a valuable set of skills and act as a focus for a character's back story. Some professions are only available to certain races. Some skills are only available through character professions because these represent a character's apprenticeship or access to training. These professions range from Scavenger to Shaman and Warrior to Healer. Crafting professions (and one or two others) have downtime abilities and these are also outlined below.

Weapon Smith: All

Skilled in creating and mending melee weapons.

Proficient in all melee weapon types.

Able to identify/evaluate the quality of weapons and the raw materials that can be used to make them.

Downtime: Gather resources and repair 2 weapons, or if resources are gathered IC make one new weapon.


Armourer: All

Skilled in creating and repairing Armour both leather and metal.

Skilled in creating and repairing Shields.

Has both the Armour & Shield usage skill.

Downtime: Gather resources and repair 2 sets, or if resources are gathered IC make one new set.


Gun Smith: Noms and Arcs only
Skilled in creating and mending guns.

Proficient in all gun types (Pistols and Rifles).

Downtime: Gather resources and repair 2 guns, or gather resources and manufacture 6 rounds of ammunition, or if resources are gathered IC make one new gun or 12 rounds of ammunition.


Bowyer: Noms and Fey only
Skilled in creating and mending bows and making arrows.

Proficient with a bow.

Downtime: Gather resources and repair 2 bows, or gather resources and manufacture 12 arrows, or if resources are gathered IC make one new bow or 24 arrows.


Warrior / Mercenary: All

Proficiency in any knife/dagger and any single handed melee weapon or double handed if Strength is also taken.

Years of combat training give you Toughness 1

Skilled in either Shield or Armour.


Scavenger: Noms and Arcs only
Skilled in identifying and recovering Old World salvage and evaluating the barter value of it.

Skilled in Tech: Has a basic comprehension of Old Time technology including basic electronics and mechanical engineering.

Proficiency in any knife/dagger and any single handed melee weapon.


Medic/Doc/Healer: All
Able to discern and heal wounds - 1 point of physical damage for every 1 minute of treatment.

Able to identify the nature of poisons or diseases and attempt to treat them.

Can stabilise any critically or fatally wounded individual within 1 minute and prevent them from bleeding out even if they are left unattended.

Arc and Nom only: Have basic knowledge of Old Time medicines and be able to identify them IC and be able to use them.


Tracker & Trapper: Any non-Arcs
Advanced tracking, able to identify and follow any tracks less than 3 days old.

Able to set and disarm traps that do a critical hit when set off.

Proficient in a knife/dagger and bow or spear.

Downtime: If they can gather resources IC then they can either repair 1 weapon or make 12 arrows during downtime.


Scribe & Historian: Arcs only
Fluent in the Old Time written language (the only written language that has survived).

Will be familiar with the history and culture of the Children.

Will be familiar with the legends of the Old Time.

Able to identify and glean information from relics from the Old Time.

Downtime: If they can gather information IC then they can research one topic during downtime.


Gunslinger/Sharpshooter: Noms and Arcs
Proficiency in knife/dagger and all pistols/rifles including their maintenance and repair.

Their steely nerve and focus also gives them Iron Will.

Downtime: If they can gather resources IC they can manufacture 6 rounds of ammunition during down time.


Hunter: Any non-Arcs

Proficiency in any knife/dagger and a bow or spear.

Able to do basic Tracking (but not Trapping).

Able to use Armour, normally leather.

Downtime: If they can gather resources IC then they can either repair 1 weapon or make 12 arrows during downtime.


Alchemist/Herbalist: All

Proficiency in any knife/dagger.

Able to identify plants and their uses.

Able to brew Potions, Salves and Woads (see Alchemy rule sheet) IC.

Downtime: Able to gather the resources and brew 2 units during downtime.


Shaman: Fey only

Proficiency in any knife/dagger.

Able to detect Magickal effects and entities, and able to invoke Magickal items and artifacts.

Able to perform powerful Ritual Magick at places of power (e.g. Fey Stones and Groves).

Able to perform 1 Ritual per day as a base and can buy other rituals for 3 CP each. Typical ritual types include Dispel, Purify, Scrying, Healing and Protection (including Buff) rituals.  Rituals improve in power alongside a character's level - normally meaning they are quicker to cast, last longer or have an enhanced effect.

Players should define their own rituals as these are highly personal to each Magick User.


Weapon Skills - Basic Proficiency

All basic weapon proficiencies cost 2CP. These include: ​

  • Dagger or Knife

  • Single Handed Melee

  • Spear or Staff

  • Two Handed Melee (Strength required)

  • Bow and Crossbow

  • Gun


To gain mastery with a weapon (weapon master) which allows a character to perform special attacks, you must spend an additional 6 CP.

Feat Points

A feat point costs 2 CP and a character can buy up to 1 feat point per level. Each feat point can be expanded to achieve any of the following once per day:


  • Dodge - Allows a character to negate any one melee attack once they have been struck - any character dodging must say "Dodge" then step back out of combat for a count of 3.

  • Disarm - Allows a character to disarm an opponent if the character is using a similar size or larger weapon. The character must be able to strike the opponent's weapon then say "Disarm".

  • Taunt - Allows a character to taunt an opponent and "get under their skin". This is likely to cause the opponent to attack the character without regard for their own safety.

  • Intimidate - Allows a character to "brow beat" a person into revealing information or agreeing to something, or frighten a group of "wavering" opponents enough to dissuade them from a fight.

  • Resist - Allows a character to resist any magical effect or special effect once and only once. This does not apply to damage although it can be applied to the effect of poisons and venoms.

  • Blend - Hide undetected in cover of any sort by literally blending with it. There would be no mundane way of discovering someone using this feat as long as they stay still and quiet.


In addition players may develop their own "feats" and have these approved by a Ref.


Additional Skills

These all cost 2 CP and are permanent, perpetual skills.



Physical Skills

  • Strength -  The ability to move large objects easily e.g. a body. The ability to resist a strike-down or wield a two handed melee weapon.

  • Iron Will - Allows a character to use their amazing self-control to resist fear, sleep, enrage or other mental influence or possession.

  • Ambidextrous - The ability to use a single handed weapon in each hand.

  • Stealth - The ability to hide and move slowly through undergrowth without being detected.


Knowledge Skills

  • Read & Write - Read and write the Old Time language at a very basic level.

  • Evaluate - Allows a character to know the purpose, characteristics and barter value of any normal item.

  • Bind Wounds - Stop bleeding with a bandage and restore 1 point only.

  • Track - The ability to do basic tracking.


Combat Skills

  • Armour - The ability to fight unimpeded in armour (other than Common armour).

  • Armour Repair - The ability to make up to 3 running repairs on armour in the game.

  • Shield - The ability to use a shield in melee combat and also repair it.

  • Throw - proficient in a variety of small throwing weapons.

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