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The Gods

"In the beginning there was nothing but darkness and the Chaos.

And in the Chaos lurked the foul things that cannot be named.
Then came the great light of creation and it swept over the Chaos.
From the light rose up the Four to do battle with the Chaos and bring forth the Rebirth.
First was Ty, he who is everywhere, the bringer of order and of law.
Then Sol, burning bright, he who is the bringer of fire and light.
Then came forth the twins locked in eachother’s arms.
Gaia, the bringer of Magick and the mother of life.

Finally Luna, the great huntress and bringer of death.
And so the Four came forth and did battle with the Chaos."

The first verse of the Saga of the Gods.

The Gods are worshipped by most of the Children, or at the very least respected.  All the races believe they are guided and watched over by all of the Gods, however each race has its patron gods and goddesses.


The Noms primarily worship Sol and his physical incarnation the Sun. They also share in the worship of Luna and Gaia especially if they are settlers and farmers.


The Fey have a deeply spiritual worship of Gaia. They have a highly complex shamanic religion built up around Gaia and her Magick.


Vors worship Ty and their ancestors' Blood Lines, but also have a fascination with Luna. Vor mythology states that they are the children of Ty and Luna.


Arcs respect the Gods but do not actively worship them. They will join in with festivals and rituals but they seem to believe the Gods are metaphors, not real. When they think they are alone Arcs may be overheard talking of Cassandra and the Path.

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