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The Children - The Races

The following sections give a very brief overview of the races, their background and their characteristics. Additional race briefs will be available for players who choose to play a specific character race. This information is not available in these general sections so as to maintain some air of mystery between the races and also allow characters to discover the culture and experience the colour of other races during the campaign.
Also characters should not assume that they know all of the details here. The Introduction section should be used as a guide to what is widely known.


Noms have the closest genetic and physical similarity to original humans. On the outside a Nom looks like a human. Noms are the most numerous race making up about half of the total (Children) population. They are sociable and have a talent for organisation, and are the only race to build permanent (but small) settlements. Noms will use anything that comes to hand it terms of technology and materials. They are also the only race to have restarted farming and crafting on a sustainable scale. Noms not only show zero radioactive mutation but are also highly resistant to radiation poisoning even at very high doses. Noms are not particularly religious, however most will participate in the Solar and Earth festivals that are dedicated to Sol the sun god and Gaia his wife and goddess of the earth. Noms who are religious almost always favor Sol, the sun god, the bringer of fire and light.

Noms break up into two major types - Settlers and Scavengers. Settlers are capable crafters and farmers and often only use the technology they make themselves. They take great pleasure in tending the land and raising produce. They normally collect together in small communities but also on occasion they go exploring to seek out new land to settle. 


Scavengers are the complete opposite to Settlers. They never sit still, always travelling in small groups called Crews, and live to seek out and salvage Old Time technology.

Although Settlers and Scavengers have very different lifestyles they have no issue interacting and even co-existing.
On very rare occasions Noms as well as Arcs (see below) emerge as Gunslingers. This is the most feared and respected (but mostly feared) path anyone can tread.



Fey are a result of the Plague introducing large amounts of complex plant based genetic material into their DNA. Fey are often normal flesh colour with greenish or brown markings or sometimes greenish flesh colour with brown or black markings.

Their culture is deliberately low tech, nomadic and tribal, but they will often make use of whatever comes to hand. However, they will never use high tech equipment or high tech weapons such as guns. Instead they are masters with the bow and make deadly archers.

Fey are inquisitive and intelligent, happy to explore the world and what it contains. Individuals or small groups will often go "Walk About" often as a rite of passage. They are generally sociable, however they can also be flighty, easily distracted, easy to anger and are very stubborn. They dislike (and even hate) Arcs.

Fey are the only race to have mastered the Magick, the ability to use one’s life-force to affect the world around them. Fey and Magick are bound together in their Gaia based shamanistic religion, of which they speak very little.



The origin of the Arcs is puzzling - that is to everyone except Arcs. The Plague has somehow left them with the biological ability to “manipulate” and even "assimilate" technology using their own organic systems. Arcs also act as the (self-appointed) custodians of history and knowledge of Old Time technology.


Arcs often have geometric markings on their skin and even visible augmentations. They are logical thinkers and dislike acting on impulse. They also have, or at least show, far less emotions than other races. Arcs do not seem to have any strong religious beliefs, but often adopt the monk's habit as a standard form of dress, and a large proportion of them have organised themselves into a small number of Enclaves the equivalent of monastic orders (but without any worship).

When travelling outside their Enclaves most Arcs are normally solitary or travel in very small groups, and often seem to be looking for something. These Arcs are often referred to as Seekers. The other races have concluded that they are probably looking for more Old Time high tech and knowledge.

Occasionally Arcs will deviate from the “path” of conserving the knowledge and technology of the Old Times. These “Freelancers” either become Scavengers specializing in technology or very occasionally they can emerge as formidable and highly dangerous Gunslingers.


Freelancers are often treated with pity or suspicion by those Arcs who follow the “path”. Occasionally Freelancers will be cut off completely depending on their behaviour which means that they can be severely limited in terms of accessing technology upgrades.



Vors are a warrior culture and are physically very similar to Noms. They may appear a bit paler, a telltale sign that they are permanently anaemic. The Plague has introduced large amounts of carnivore and predator DNA into Vors and has unfortunately left them with a very particular trait.


They do not seem to be able to efficiently process iron into haemoglobin in the same way as the Noms can. Nor can they absorb it easily from foods other than fresh blood or (less so) meat. The net effect is that they are frequently on the hunt for fresh meat and fresh blood.


However, some advantages they seem to have gained include interesting predator-like abilities. Vors greatly favour hand-to-hand combat with a dagger, sword, shield and spear. They would never use a ranged weapon such as a bow or a firearm. This would distance them from “the kill”, which is an immensely important part of their warrior culture. Vors are also master weapon smiths and armourers.

They are most active during dusk and dawn or when there is a significant amount of moonlight. During the day they avoid direct sun, finding it painful and prefer the shade. Vors are generally a deliberate and serious people. Honour is often paramount and certainly outweighs any consideration of personal safety. They are a highly ritualistic people, even more so than the Fey. It is never clear whether Vor rituals are just religious or are a fundamental part of their highly structured social interaction.


Vors seem to worship their ancestors’ Blood Lines and the gods, primarily Luna and Ty (pronounced “Tie”). Ty is the god of single combat, oaths (in particular blood oaths) and also order, honour and victory. He is respected and feared as any father figure would be in Vor society. His physical manifestation is the host of constellations of which Orion is the most significant (Orion being his Herald and most senior Housecarl). Vors also have a spellbound fascination with Lunar and the moon (her physical manifestation). She is the Huntress and the Shieldmaiden, wife to Ty, without question his equal in combat and beloved mother of all Vors. Many of their most important rituals are performed under a full moon.

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