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Campaign Introduction

This narrative is a generic introductory story that you may use to help provide some context for the creation of your character. It is highly recommended that you tailor it and develop a detailed background for your character. The specific factual details in this narrative will remain relevant for every character and race.

"The Elders say it is 2099, but this means nothing to you. They also say it has been 64 seasons since the Sunstorm and this makes sense to you.


The Elders have always puzzled you. They say they knew the world in the Old Time before the Sunstorm, the Chaos and the Plague. But how could this be so? That was so long ago. The Elders never speak of their age and there are far fewer now than there were when you were a child. But still what age would they have to be to have lived in the Old Time…Surely that would mean 60, 70 or possibly 80 cycles? 


But that would be utterly impossible. For when you laid your beloved mother to rest last Cycle she was the venerable age of 35 Cycles and everyone said that it was a great and wondrous age to have lived to. You can just barely remember your grandmother. She was an Elder, as were all the first Children who walked this land. If she had not been killed in an attack by the Raged would she still be alive today?


Best not to think of such mysteries right now. The winter season is drawing to a close and there is much to prepare for. As the youngest it fell to you, as is tradition, to look after your parents in their later years. Now that they are at rest you must make the Choice. Do you remain with your people, or honour the memory of you parents and begin the Journey? You could easily have a mate. Being the youngest you have earned your inheritance, those goods which your parents had are now yours. So you are not poor - not wealthy but definitely not poor.

But, the Noms in the south will be holding the Great Fairs soon. They say scores of people attend from all four races of the Children. No one ever knows the location of a Great Fair until it begins - they say that way the Raged cannot attack it. They say many people come together in the lands to the south to trade and exchange news, and when they meet a Fair begins to take shape. This happens many times in many places during the season of the Great Fairs.

So, you have seen many Cycles now and you have grown strong among your people. It is time for the Choice, and your path is clear. You are drawn to the Journey, and the Great Fair is the ideal starting point. The Elders say the Journey is vital for the survival of our race. They say the Great Gene Pool would run dry if we did not send our youngest or strongest on the Journey.


So my friend, your life, your very destiny will not lie with your people. You must find another people and build a new life. Perhaps those good people will do us the honour of guiding one of theirs to us, so that the Great Gene Pool may be refreshed once again."

The Now Time

The Fall Out is now long over and the irradiated Earth is slowly recovering. Although a good portion of the land seems safe there are still Hot Spots which are to be avoided whenever possible.


The Old Time cities are some of the most dangerous places. They seem to have far more Hot Spots than the open countryside and are also favoured grounds for the Raged. Scavenging for supplies and technology in Old Time city ruins is generally agreed to be suicide and only the foolhardy attempt this (and eventually never come back).


Although some basic farming and crafting has been re-established by the Noms, all the races still depend on hunting, scavenging and trading. Clothes, tools and weapons are a bizarre mix of old and new.


The Fey avoid anything that seems too high tech and have instead become highly skilled in working wood and bone. They live in the deep forests, but often venture out to trade. Sometimes a small group of them may decide to go “walk about” – which can often end in trouble of one kind or another, although they often don’t mean this at the outset.


The Noms have rediscovered the art of blacksmithing and forging. Some have even uncovered the lost art of gunsmithing, although this is exclusively focused on the creation of powerful mechanical air guns (all attempts to harness the power of explosive combustion have failed since the Plague. Such chemical reactions do not work, almost as if there is a widespread permanent inhibitor in the environment).


The Noms have also restarted basic agriculture and livestock keeping. They live in small permanent communities in the open countryside close to woodland for fuel, and streams for fresh water. They are a hardy, resourceful and open people who welcome peaceful strangers to their communities.


The Vors are master weapon smiths and armourers. They are formidable warriors. They prefer the dagger, sword, shield and spear when on the battlefield. They do not use missile weapons as this involves standing-off from an enemy, something Vors would find dishonourable. They are nomadic and occupy the forest outskirts. Because of this they have more contact with the Fey than most, which is not always a good thing (Vors are rather serious and Fey can cause them offence or insult with their inquisitive ways, whether they intend to or not).


Arcs, sometimes referred to as the Brothers and Sisters, have organised themselves into monastic like Enclaves where they conserve Old Time technology and knowledge. They can also be found wandering the country on "pilgrimage" and they often seem to be looking for something, probably more technology and knowledge. However “Freelancer" Arcs also exist and these follow their own “path" often becoming skilled technology Scavengers or feared Gunslingers.

Historical References and Lore​

All characters will be aware of the following significant historical periods to a lesser or greater degree:


  • The Old Time

  • The Sunstorm

  • The Chaos

  • The Plague

  • The Rebirth

  • The Now Time


Noms largely view the past with balanced neutrality, but often speak of the Chaos as the darkest of times, probably because they are a naturally easy-going, orderly and sociable race. The idea of the Chaos and the Raged fill them with the greatest of unease.

Fey see the Sunstorm as a judgement on the Old Time and its reliance on technology. They believe in living in the Now Time (the time of the Children) and they only remember the Old Time and the Sunstorm as a warning to avoid technology.

The Vors have many stories about how their race rose out of the Chaos. They have many honoured ancestors who led their people though the Chaos and to the Rebirth. Much blood was shed and many great warriors died to secure the Vors' place in the Now Time. This is something they are very proud of and often celebrate in festivals and rituals. Vors will willingly shed blood, their own included, to eliminate anything that threatens a return to the Chaos. They will always attack the Raged on sight and show them no quarter.

Arcs are generally interested in acquiring accurate, factual historical data and technology. They see the Old Time as a time of technology (a lost golden age) and the Sunstorm as a great disaster. There is always a slight “sadness” to an Arc's demeanour when either are mentioned, which is unusual because they show little emotion. They try to salvage what technology they can from the Old Time. They treat this salvaged technology with great care and respect.


All races show a form of respect to the Plague. No one speaks ill of the Plague, for without it the Children’s ancestors would never have escaped the Chaos and would not have been given the gift of Rebirth.

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